Hemel Hempstead Methodist Church Buildings

Client:  HHMC  I  Hemel Hempstead

Set into a restricted, steep, sloping site, surrounded by homes and by a busy road.  Using the fall of the site, the church sits under one all-enveloping roof, as favoured by the Methodist Church, and is 3 storeys at one end with the main Sanctuary at the other. Deep overhangs protect the buildings from future intense rain storms.

The 200-seat church, which incorporates future provision for a balcony, Includes a 100 sqm hall, 3 meeting rooms, office and other facilities.

A giant, rugged oak cross at the preaching end, surrounded by field flints, refers to an engraving of Wesley preaching to miners in a field under an oak tree.

HAA Award winner 2016

Photography by Lance McNulty